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Posts tagged ‘wwf’

Colour Blind and Spatially Challenged

Ok folks this is a two for one deal today since I’ve been rather neglectful in posting.

So on Sunday we were driving to Guelph and Barbie was eating an apple in the car.  She finished the apple and decided she would toss it into the field since were on a country road, and let’s remember before the littering comments start that it is biodegradable.  So she rolls the window down and decides to toss it with her left hand.  Now please envision this as Barbie was sitting in the passenger side of the car, is right-handed and could have easily put her arm out the window and just let go.  That would be the easy way.  Barbie decided to go the hard way.  She took the apple in her left hand and swung it across her body to throw the apple out the window.  However, as she released the apple it ricocheted off the inside door frame and rebounded into gear shift casing and then fell to the floor.

“I thought you played baseball?”, I asked.
“I did play baseball” she says defensively while tossing the apple out this time. “That was my wrong hand”
“You were all off 6 inches from the window and missed?  And why wouldn’t you just use your right hand?”
“Whatever, it’s out the window now.”

I continued to drive on still laughing my head off, and  to be honest Barbie was giggling herself at the fiasco that occurred.  The irony in this is Barbie used to be a pitcher for the town she lived in and school she went to.



Last night as we were winding down for the evening Barbie says to me, “Are we going to go up and read for a while?”

“Yeah absolutely”, I said.  Being a nerd I will always take time to read a book and Barbie was deeply engrossed in The Hunger Games book on her e-reader.  So upon hearing this she did a little mock clap but almost like a seal with her finger tips bent back as if she was trying to not let her nails touch.

“What are you Paula Abdul?”, I asked since Paula always has this stupid looking clap on American Idol.

“No.  But Randy Savage has really put on a lot of weight again”, Barbie says.

“Randy Savage?  He’s dead”

“Oh…Jackson.  I meant Randy Jackson.  He’s the heavy black one on Idol right?”

“Yes he’s the one on Idol”, I answer while shaking my head, “and Savage is the pro wrestler who recently died.  And yet again you managed to confuse a white guy with a black guy.”

“Right.  But I got it right eventually.”

And she triumphantly she walked away to go to bed.