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Posts tagged ‘music’

Musical Fails…yet again

The other night we were watching an old episode of the Comedy Central show Tosh.0 featuring Daniel Tosh.  If you haven’t watched this show I highly recommend it.  Tosh’s less than politically correct comedy mixed with the internet’s petri dish of Darwin Award contenders and the videos they post makes for some great laughable moments.

During this episode somebody, and I think it was Tosh, said the line “We didn’t start the fire”.  Of course this set our little blonde jukebox into song.

“You didn’t start the fire”

Perplexed I made a comment and then asked the pertinent question.

“The line is ‘we didn’t start the fire’ and do you even know who sung that song?”  To be honest I was playing the age factor here in assuming she wouldn’t know who sung it.  To be honest I was amazed she even knew the song since it came out in 1989 when Barbie would have been 8 years old.

“Yes.  It was Billy…” And the pause occurred whilst Barbie racked her brain to find the correct artist that would correlate with the correct song.

“Billy who?  There’s only few of them.  Idol, Squires, Joel.”

“Idol.  Yeah Billy Idol.” She has stated it with a bit of pride.

“The blond spiky haired guy from The Wedding Singer who sings Mony, Mony? No try Billy Joel”

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“Positive.  He wrote the song about all the major events that happened in his life to commemorate his 40th birthday.  He also sang Uptown Girl and Piano Man.”

Barbie gave me a look at that moment which pretty much said she didn’t know those songs.

Other musical fails from Barbie are:

Confusing Alice Cooper with *drumroll*…Billy Idol can be read here

Barbie messing up the colours for the song I Can Sing A Rainbow can be found here

Barbie confusing Abba with Blondie can be found here

Barbie thinking Credence Clearwater Revival and California Raisins were the same band…although it was the same song

And lastly confusing K’nann with Outkast can be found here

Blondie_-_Hanging_On_The_Telephone_(UK) abbapic outkast knaan alice cooper billy idol outkast 2billy joel

Barbie Is Still Musically Challenged

I have to be honest considering I haven’t heard of most bands after 1992, it is a little rich for me to call Barbie musically challenged but what the heck…she is!!!  As the regular readers might remember when Barbie confused Abba with Blondie and Outkast with Kanaan, click here, we had another classic music confusion last week.

Young Alexander tends to sneer his lip very akin to Billy Idol at times.  So during one of these moments I mentioned how he looks very much like Billy Idol and Barbie laughed and agreed.  So while I slaughtered the words to Rebel Yell with my angelic singing, or catlike screeching, Barbie had little Alexander’s arm pumping like Billy Idol’s does in the video.

When I finished singing the course of “More, More, More”, and in all honestly stopped singing all together due to not knowing the words after that, Barbie chimed in with her own song.

“School’s out for summer…”

I cocked my head sideways rather confused and queried “Alice Cooper?!?!?!?”

“Um, I thought that was Billy Idol”

“No, that’s Alice Cooper.  Maybe you meant ‘Its a nice day for a white wedding’ or ‘Here she comes now singing mony, mony’?

“Uh, yeah that is what I meant”

However, I could tell by the look in her eye she was really singing “Hey Ya” by Outkast

2 billy idol alice cooper outkast 2